A Life of Art and Storytelling: Meet Norfolk-Based Artist Paul Jackson

black and white photo of man paining in a striped apron holding paintbrush between his teeth

Paul painting in Cromer garden (c.2016)

“In 1977, I drew a map of a world that didn’t yet exist. It was called Elsewhere.”

For Norfolk-based artist Paul Jackson, this moment marked the beginning of a creative journey that spanned almost 50 years. A prolific sculptor, illustrator, and storyteller, Paul’s career is built on his ability to craft intricate worlds – both through visual art and, more recently, the written word. Born from a deep imagination nurtured in childhood, Paul's work has been influenced by his love of crafting fantastical realms, his struggle with dyslexia, and his experiences exploring the wilds of Scotland. Today, Paul’s ongoing exploration of these worlds has brought him to a new frontier: writing.

Early Creative Foundations

Paul's passion for creativity was evident from an early age growing up in Bristol. As the youngest of six, he often retreated into his own imagination, finding comfort and joy in creating intricate worlds. By the age of seven, his bedroom became a sprawling toy farm, stretching from wall to wall and even creeping under his bed. For his ninth birthday, family members, recognising his love for building worlds, contributed pieces to a Billy Smarts Circus collection. The collection – a vivid circus tent, lorries, trailers, wild animals, and a woman who danced with horses – fueled his imagination, allowing him to craft elaborate stories with his toys. These imaginative foundations would shape the artistic work he would later develop.

School, however, presented challenges. Dyslexia made traditional learning difficult, but it was through art that Paul found his true voice. At 12 years old, Paul would sit at the kitchen table, sketching fantastical worlds from his mind. The turning point came when his art teacher, Mr. Swan, publicly acknowledged his talent. “There was something I could do really well,” Paul recalls, marking the moment he found his place in the world of art.

A collage of three images. Cut out of a man drawing in a sketchbook, a black and white family photo of 8 people and a blur illustration of a man working in a lamp-lit studio

Selection of early images

The Wilderness That Sparked a World

In his first year of art college, Paul embarked on an adventure that would significantly influence his artistic path. During a trip to Scotland’s Cairngorm Mountains, while his friends climbed a mountain, Paul chose to explore a nearby forest. Crawling through dense undergrowth, he stumbled upon a clearing where a babbling mountain stream flowed through shimmering moss, fallen branches, and forest mounds. The moment felt otherworldly, like a faerie scene brought to life. This magical encounter stayed with Paul, informing much of the visual world of Elsewhere that would soon come to life.

In 1977, five years after his journey to Scotland, Paul and his wife, Penny, set up a ceramics studio in Sheringham, Norfolk (Called the Sheringham Craft Centre). It was there that Paul first drew the map of Elsewhere. Initially, Paul explored this world through watercolour paintings, depicting the landscapes and characters that populated his imagination. Soon after, he began sculpting the fantastical elements of Elsewhere in porcelain – a material that allowed him to craft detailed faerie villages, dragons, wizards, and other creatures. His sculptures, often decorated with gold, silver, and melted glass, quickly attracted attention, leading to exhibitions at prestigious venues like Liberties, Harrods, and the Charles De Temple Gallery in Piccadilly. Collectors, including famous names like Jim Henson and Elton John, were drawn to the depth and intricacy of Paul's work.

The Evolution into Storytelling

As Paul’s career evolved, so did his artistic expression. His collectors, captivated by the intricate worlds and characters he created, began to ask about the stories behind his art. Encouraged by their interest, Paul embarked on a new creative adventure: storytelling. In 1993, he hosted his first storytelling evening at his studio. Over the next 30 years, Paul performed more than 50,000 times, weaving tales from various cultures, often accompanied by music played on African harps, cedar flutes, and Irish whistles.

Storytelling became a way for Paul to explore new narrative forms while staying connected to the worlds he had crafted through his visual art. His performances were not merely retellings; they were immersive experiences in which Paul embodied the characters, animals, and landscapes within his stories. This deep connection to narrative, combined with his understanding of visual art, laid the groundwork for Paul’s next creative leap – writing.

Writing ‘Elsewhere’: The Next Chapter

Paul’s world of Elsewhere had existed in maps, sculptures, and stories for years before he considered writing it down. In 2012, encouraged by his wife Clare, Paul began transforming his imagined world into a series of novels. Despite the challenges posed by dyslexia, Paul drew on his decades of storytelling experience to craft The Hidden Destiny, the first in a planned series of nine books set in Elsewhere. Over the course of three years, Paul wrote 400,000 words, breathing life into the adventures of his characters, the rich histories, and the lore of his fantasy world.

The Hidden Destiny introduces readers to Findorian, a young man discovering his destiny amidst the dramatic and magical landscapes of Elsewhere. The book's narrative shifts between the formative years of Findorian’s life and two pivotal weeks when he must rise against a tyrant threatening his world. The written series, like Paul’s sculptures and illustrations, is rich with detail, inviting readers into a world filled with camaraderie, conflict, and the battle to save a world beyond imagination.

Continuing the Journey

From the initial map of Elsewhere to his evolving written saga, Paul Jackson’s career is a testament to the power of imagination and the joy of storytelling. His work – whether in sculpture, painting, or writing – captures the essence of his journey as an artist who sees stories in every corner of life. Now living in Norwich, surrounded by family and nature, Paul continues to create, exploring new realms of possibility in his beloved world of Elsewhere.

With The Hidden Destiny set for release and more books on the horizon, Paul’s story is far from over. His artistic journey has come full circle, from childhood imaginings to a rich legacy of creativity that continues to inspire and captivate. Join him as he embarks on this exciting new chapter, and step into the enchanting world of Elsewhere.

A line of four smiling people with arms around shoulders

Launch of Book One, 'The Hidden Destiny' (2023)


Elsewhere Newsletter One – Winter Solstice 2023.